an attorney experienced with Social Security Disability claims, I can provide
you with my experience in the handling and appeal of your claim. The appeal process can be daunting at times
and could take months to resolve. I make
myself available for my clients at all times and can always offer advice,
support, and comfort while dealing with the Disability Claims Process. I am a member of the National Organization of Social Security Claimants’ Representatives
and have represented many individuals in this manner. Fees for legal services are entirely
contingent upon receiving a favorable outcome.
a Disability attorney can increase the likelihood of gaining your deserved
benefits. Many people who file for SSI/SSDI often don’t know how to file
properly and are often declined their benefits. Moreover, often times when trying to fight on
your own the process can be very lengthy. Hiring an experienced disability lawyer can
provide a quick, positive, resolution to your situation.
Whether it be
yourself, or someone you know, are out of work due to long-term disability The
Law Office of Lewis Fichera can help! This process requires having someone there
whom can provide comfort and display interest in your personal needs. It also requires an understanding of the cost
for proper representation. You need the
ability to hold payment until you have won your case. You have been out of work for some time
already and are likely tight on money due to the disability, the last thing you
need is a lawyer pinching you for money when they have not proven any value. Lastly you need someone local to you. Having to drive for hours for a conversation
with your representative can be demanding and time consuming.